Join MVP

Join the Million Veteran Program

Any Veteran can join MVP online.

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Step 1. Securely sign in through one of our sign-in partners ( or


Step 2. Complete the consent process and allow our program access to your health records.


Step 3. Provide a blood sample, either by mail or by scheduling an appointment at a participating VA.


Step 4. Complete Surveys about health, lifestyle, military experiences, and exposures.

Prefer to join our program in-person? Call 866-441-6075 to make an appointment at a participating VA.


Here’s how to create an AccessVA account to sign-in to MVP

  1. Step 1

    Click the “Create account” button below to go to the AccessVA homepage.

  2. Step 2

    Select one of the VA sign-in partners ( or and follow the prompts to verify your identity and establish a new account.

  3. Step 3

    Once you’ve created and logged into your account, you’ll be automatically redirected to your MVP dashboard.